Guardian They chose to protect her But forgot to guard their hearts A Halflings Novel Heather Burch Books

Guardian They chose to protect her But forgot to guard their hearts A Halflings Novel Heather Burch Books
Guardian is the sequel to Halflings by Heather Burch. It continues the story of Nikki Youngblood and the Halflings (half humans/half angels). It's an exciting teen/young adult paranormal romance novel that follows seventeen year old Nikki, as she and the Halflings fight in a war between good and evil while trying to decide between two amazingly gorgeous Halflings guardians. To better prepare her for what lies ahead, Nikki attempts to improve her fighting skills as well as her skills as a Seer.The love triangle between these three takes up a good portion of the book. She seems to feel for them in separate ways. Now granted Nikki has been through a lot recently, with her parents' death, finding out she is a Seer, and having to fight off evil that is somehow drawn to her. I get that her emotions are most likely running on overdrive by now, but it felt like she was playing a game of never ending Ping-Pong regarding her feelings about Mace and Raven. After a certain point, I just wanted her to make a final decision and choose a guy already...preferable Raven (My favorite). I'm a sucker for the "bad" boy types I guess. Raven isn't perfect, but he does not try to be. He uses situations to his advantage, can be a bit of a jerk as well as overconfident when it comes to Nikki, but if she needs him, he is there for her. He understands her. Their similarities and differences help to balance each other out and call me crazy, but I think fit perfectly together.
Mace and Raven both feel very strongly about Nikki as well and because of this, things become tense between them which make the situation ten times more difficult and uncomfortable for everyone involved. Even though I liked Nikki, there were some moments were I was irritated by her behavior and I questioned some of the choices she made and what her reasoning was for them. Apart from that I liked that there was a good amount of suspense and action thrown into the story, it kept things interesting. When I started reading it, I wanted to keep reading to find out what was going to happen next. It literally kept me on the edge of my seat.
** I received this ARC from Zondervan via NetGalley in exchange for nothing, but my honest review. Thank you.**

Tags : Guardian: They chose to protect her. But forgot to guard their hearts. (A Halflings Novel) (0025986728212): Heather Burch: Books,Heather Burch,Guardian: They chose to protect her. But forgot to guard their hearts. (A Halflings Novel),Blink,0310728215,Angels,Angels;Fiction.,Good and evil,Good and evil;Fiction.,Love,Paranormal fiction,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction,Fiction-Christian,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Monograph Series, any,Religious - Christian - Fantasy,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Religious Christian Fantasy,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Paranormal,Young Adult Fiction,Young Adult FictionParanormal, Occult & Supernatural,romance, fantasy; angels; demons
Guardian They chose to protect her But forgot to guard their hearts A Halflings Novel Heather Burch Books Reviews
WOW. I enjoyed this sequel to Halflings so very much! This is an amazing story, a terrific young adult read, that I highly recommend to all moms and daughters! It's about time there was a strong female lead with real life problems- even in this fantastic setting! Heather Burch keeps you turning pages! I read this book, and the first book back to back. I read both in two nights! I could not put it down! I'm anxiously awaiting my copy of Avenger to arrive so I can find out what happens next. I've enjoyed this series so much that I bought hardcover and copies. Great read by a great writer who definitely understands her audience and can spin stories that keep you engaged from start to finish. I think this was simply fantastic!
Nikki Youngblood has been watched over by guardian angels. Well, more precisely they are Halflings--half angel, half human. She has a gift she doesn’t understand. Her eyes are opening to the supernatural. The more she learns, the more danger there is. Did I mention that because her guardians are half angel that they have perfect bodies?
She boards a cruise ship for Europe with several Halflings for protection as she escapes her god-father after her parents are killed. She tries to understand her gift and train for what lies ahead. However, it’s hard to focus surrounded by the perfect physiques of Halflings.
There is excitement and suspense balanced with a Christian approach to teenage hormones.I especially like that Nikki is a jeans and a t-shirt, motorcycle-riding, mind of her own kind of girl and not a damsel-in-distress. There is a surprising twist toward the end of this second installment so I’m really looking forward to finding out what happens in book 3--Avenger.
I've read and re-read this book many times, and still the scenes produce emotions of hope, joy, regret, distrust, complete exaggeration, betrayal, and love. Not necessarily in that order.
I adore this series of books!! It is among my top five, but this book also harbors my absolute most favorite protagonist of all time!!
Nikki is a character to be adored, in my opinion. She faces problems with her customary no-nonsense attitude and her ability to not only overcome, but to strive and thrive through the worst of situations thrown her way brings awe to my heart and has brought me an overwhelming respect and connection to her.
Nikki is definitely my hero and I love reading and re-reading about her journey to becoming who she was destined to be.
In this edition of the Halflings novels, we are faced with the calm before the storm. Whereas the first book was filled with attack after attack and numerous attempts on Nikki's life, there has been relatively little threat to Nikki's own personal well-being. This book foreshadows much evilness that is lurking in the shadows and devising ways in which to make Nikki's life a living Hell.
This is the book which will strengthen or crumble the relationships formed between Nikki and her Halflings guardian protectors. Tensions are high, and if they are to face the many challenges that await them, Nikki must discover what she is and who she wants to be. And should she choose to follow the wrong path, it may just mean the end of all humanity.
I can't wait to watch Nikki's story unfold further; to see the choices she makes shape her into the Role Model that I see her to be. It just gets better from here.
Avenger is the third book so far, and it is just as fantastic, if not more so, than its predecessor....
Guardian is the sequel to Halflings by Heather Burch. It continues the story of Nikki Youngblood and the Halflings (half humans/half angels). It's an exciting teen/young adult paranormal romance novel that follows seventeen year old Nikki, as she and the Halflings fight in a war between good and evil while trying to decide between two amazingly gorgeous Halflings guardians. To better prepare her for what lies ahead, Nikki attempts to improve her fighting skills as well as her skills as a Seer.
The love triangle between these three takes up a good portion of the book. She seems to feel for them in separate ways. Now granted Nikki has been through a lot recently, with her parents' death, finding out she is a Seer, and having to fight off evil that is somehow drawn to her. I get that her emotions are most likely running on overdrive by now, but it felt like she was playing a game of never ending Ping-Pong regarding her feelings about Mace and Raven. After a certain point, I just wanted her to make a final decision and choose a guy already...preferable Raven (My favorite). I'm a sucker for the "bad" boy types I guess. Raven isn't perfect, but he does not try to be. He uses situations to his advantage, can be a bit of a jerk as well as overconfident when it comes to Nikki, but if she needs him, he is there for her. He understands her. Their similarities and differences help to balance each other out and call me crazy, but I think fit perfectly together.
Mace and Raven both feel very strongly about Nikki as well and because of this, things become tense between them which make the situation ten times more difficult and uncomfortable for everyone involved. Even though I liked Nikki, there were some moments were I was irritated by her behavior and I questioned some of the choices she made and what her reasoning was for them. Apart from that I liked that there was a good amount of suspense and action thrown into the story, it kept things interesting. When I started reading it, I wanted to keep reading to find out what was going to happen next. It literally kept me on the edge of my seat.
** I received this ARC from Zondervan via NetGalley in exchange for nothing, but my honest review. Thank you.**

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