Masked by Moonlight Nancy Gideon Books

Masked by Moonlight Nancy Gideon Books
So this book is set in New Orleans, which I love since I'm from the area. But I'm not going to get into the plot summary very much because when I read reviews, plot summaries make my eyes gaze over.Soooo I'll start by saying that the beginning of this book kind of feels like it should instead be the middle part of a much longer book. Once I was about 20 pages in, I actually stopped to make sure this wasn't the second book in a series. I just felt lost with how the story began. As the book continued, I got more familiar with things but I always felt like an outsider looking in... instead of an immersed part of the story itself. I think this is mainly due to the writing style used in the book. The reader is constantly being told things, it's very black and white with little room for your brain to imagine things. It's more like being in a lecture at school, rather than experiencing a good book. The context surrounding characters and events is non-existent. I could never get emotionally involved and that's probably why I just couldn't finish the book.
The main character is brusque and very uninviting. She's a detective but she dresses for the job like she's going to to the club. It's just not believable. And this is taking into consideration that there are werewolves in the book (which at this point in time is actually pretty believable). But wearing stilettos and a leather mini skirt to a crime scene? Nope! Especially in New Orleans. It's hard enough to walk on those jacked-up sidewalks in sneakers, much less stilettos. Her fashion sense felt very forced. You don't have to wear leather and high heels to be a badass female warrior type with a diva attitude.
Stuff like that can be overlooked if other aspects of the book fall into place nicely. Unfortunately I struggled with other things too. I guess my main grievance is the gross over-use of descriptive words (and rather obscure ones at that). I like to think that I have a larger than average vocabulary, and some of the words used in this book were a stretch, even for me... it's just another thing that felt forced in this book.
Also - 'climaxed' events that happen to the main character seemingly come out of nowhere. I guess I understand what the author was trying to do in these parts, but it doesn't translate well. It just comes out confusing instead. And again, everything that happens just feels forced. Nothing about this book can be described as happening naturally. I don't want to say it's contrived... but if the shoe fits...
*slight spoiler below*
Another thing that really bothered me is when the main character was almost raped and killed in the alley. At one point her blouse gets ripped open and her pants pulled down and she's face down in an alley with two dudes about to go at it. Then Max saves her and she's in shock and shaking. And to the reader, Max is still a stranger. We know nothing about him except that he does wet work for a mob boss. So he saves the girl and she's freaking TF out then they start making out on the side of the road right afterwards? Um no! She was seconds away from being raped and she's gonna start kissing some random dude? I don't care if he saved her or not. No girl is going to act like that afterwards.. not even stiletto-wearing detectives.
So for me this book is officially DNF. I keep telling myself that I need to finish it to see if it gets better, but that's only because I spent $8 on it and so my subconscious is trying to tell me it's a waste of money if I don't at least try to finish it. Which is crazy I know.. because really I'm just pissed that I spent $8 on it. =P
Giving it two stars instead of one because... I really don't know. But I am.

Tags : Masked by Moonlight (9781439149638): Nancy Gideon: Books,Nancy Gideon,Masked by Moonlight,Pocket Books,1439149631,Romantic suspense fiction.,Shapeshifting;Fiction.,Women detectives;Louisiana;New Orleans;Fiction.,American Light Romantic Fiction,American Science Fiction And Fantasy,FICTION General,FICTION Romance General,FICTION Romance Paranormal General,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Suspense,Louisiana,New Orleans,Romance,Romance - Paranormal,Romance - Suspense,Romantic suspense novels,Shapeshifting,Women detectives
Masked by Moonlight Nancy Gideon Books Reviews
I gave this book 3 stars because it is a well written book with a decent plot and it kept my interest enough that I read the whole book. Will I read the next one? Probably not unless I get it at a used bookstore or super cheap for my kindle (and only then if I am in a very good mood).
The main reason I didn't like this book is I couldn't stand the 2 main characters (can't even call them the Hero and Heroine) The male especially was a clueless, sociopathic killer who killed because either a nun or his boss (mafia crimeboss/guardian/ father figure) told him to. I didn't find his character believable at all and would have liked the author to give him a little more feeling or something to make me believe he had some redeeming character. The couple of times he didn't folllow orders just didn't seem real to me, no explanation other then it didn't fit the plot.
The female also came across the same way. She is a cop who can't explain why she is sleeping with the male except for lust and to use him to get access to his boss. I saw another review compare this to the in death series and there is no real comparison. Had there been some real explanations about what they were thinking, I might have found the main characters believeable and given this 4 stars.
Since this is the first in a trilogy, maybe the next one will be better but I was left with such a feeling of disgust, disbelief and annoyance at the total unbelievability of these 2 characters that I can't bring myself to read the next one. This book was so close to being a great book that eventually I might change my mind and try another one but it will be quite a while. There were just too many instances of my being left feeling that things happened only because the author said they were supposed to happen and not because she made me believe they could happen.
Immersion into Nancy Gideon's world might not have been a ride lined with daisies and chocolate, but it was completely entertaining and engrossing. Gideon plunges you face first into the criminal underbelly of New Orleans, shakes you up a bit with some tough moral choices and delivers characters that will resonate with you for a long time after you've put the book down.
REVIEW Charlotte "Cee Cee" Caissie is a detective with the NOPD, intent on bringing down the crime syndicate that runs the New Orleans criminal element. Her motivations are highly personal and revenge motivated, the Mafioso in charge having had her father killed and herself and her friend kidnapped and assaulted repeatedly. She is on a mission of social justice that will not ebb until she sees Jimmy Legere behind bars, or better, dead. What is putting a major cramp in her plans though, happens to be her growing attraction to Legere's muscle and the most feared man in New Orleans, Max Savoie.
Gideon's Moonlight series is a winner, in my opinion. I might not have agreed with the actions of the characters, or the direction everything took, but Gideon succeeded in sucking me into the series...hook, line and sinker. Her understanding of the seedier aspects of crime life had me wondering who her relatives are. She introduced character after character, that at first you might not like, but in time they grew on you so completely that you might actually love 'em a little bit. Gideon looks at things from a different angle than most PNR writers, the characters were deeper emotionally than I am used to, and her "beasts" were original and realistic. They were troubled, deep and dark, but not in the usual snarky/disturbed UF way, the characters were very 3 dimensional and their actions were believable.
My troubling spots regarding this novel were those disagreements with the character actions. Without giving too much away, let me try to explain. The entirety of novel has to do with the struggle between right and wrong and the grey line that good and evil walks. On one hand you have Max, crime bosses enforcer, a man feared, but not respected because he is basically a dog on a leash. In the beginning he is almost in possession of a childlike naivete, a do-as-your-told and don't ask any questions mentality. Upon coming into contact with Detective Caissie his leash becomes too tight - and the scales fall from his eyes. His sexual awakening takes him from a dog on a leash, to one straining against the cage he had been put in. His actions are completely understandable... it is the Detective's that strike me as wrong. Just a slight association with any criminal element could be detrimental in officer's career. The slow descent made it more believable, but I guess the totality of the situation. I just didn't see this relationship as working. Which I guess, in the end led to the intensified suspense of the novel.
In light of New Orleans being my life-long domicile I put the relationship in this novel in perspective of how it would be viewed by the general public. Not to good. New Orleans is known for it's corruption. Our police force is highly tainted with cases like the Danziger 7 predominant in our news of late. If it were known that a female officer was associating with a high-profile crime boss...well the woman would be stripped of her badge almost immediately, especially after some of the incidents that occurred in the novel.
So, while and excellently written and highly entertaining paranormal romance, I did have a few hiccups with setting and plot threads of the story-line, BUT, I will be reading on and love the fact that the series was released so quickly. And that is my long and drawn out opinion.
RECOMMENDATIONS While not similar in any way, Masked by Moonlight was very reminiscent of the Anita Blake series, the earlier novels. It was the inner struggle between the black and white right and wrong, and the real grey version. If you enjoyed Anita in her pre-ardeur books, you should enjoy the Moonlight series by Nancy Gideon.
So this book is set in New Orleans, which I love since I'm from the area. But I'm not going to get into the plot summary very much because when I read reviews, plot summaries make my eyes gaze over.
Soooo I'll start by saying that the beginning of this book kind of feels like it should instead be the middle part of a much longer book. Once I was about 20 pages in, I actually stopped to make sure this wasn't the second book in a series. I just felt lost with how the story began. As the book continued, I got more familiar with things but I always felt like an outsider looking in... instead of an immersed part of the story itself. I think this is mainly due to the writing style used in the book. The reader is constantly being told things, it's very black and white with little room for your brain to imagine things. It's more like being in a lecture at school, rather than experiencing a good book. The context surrounding characters and events is non-existent. I could never get emotionally involved and that's probably why I just couldn't finish the book.
The main character is brusque and very uninviting. She's a detective but she dresses for the job like she's going to to the club. It's just not believable. And this is taking into consideration that there are werewolves in the book (which at this point in time is actually pretty believable). But wearing stilettos and a leather mini skirt to a crime scene? Nope! Especially in New Orleans. It's hard enough to walk on those jacked-up sidewalks in sneakers, much less stilettos. Her fashion sense felt very forced. You don't have to wear leather and high heels to be a badass female warrior type with a diva attitude.
Stuff like that can be overlooked if other aspects of the book fall into place nicely. Unfortunately I struggled with other things too. I guess my main grievance is the gross over-use of descriptive words (and rather obscure ones at that). I like to think that I have a larger than average vocabulary, and some of the words used in this book were a stretch, even for me... it's just another thing that felt forced in this book.
Also - 'climaxed' events that happen to the main character seemingly come out of nowhere. I guess I understand what the author was trying to do in these parts, but it doesn't translate well. It just comes out confusing instead. And again, everything that happens just feels forced. Nothing about this book can be described as happening naturally. I don't want to say it's contrived... but if the shoe fits...
*slight spoiler below*
Another thing that really bothered me is when the main character was almost raped and killed in the alley. At one point her blouse gets ripped open and her pants pulled down and she's face down in an alley with two dudes about to go at it. Then Max saves her and she's in shock and shaking. And to the reader, Max is still a stranger. We know nothing about him except that he does wet work for a mob boss. So he saves the girl and she's freaking TF out then they start making out on the side of the road right afterwards? Um no! She was seconds away from being raped and she's gonna start kissing some random dude? I don't care if he saved her or not. No girl is going to act like that afterwards.. not even stiletto-wearing detectives.
So for me this book is officially DNF. I keep telling myself that I need to finish it to see if it gets better, but that's only because I spent $8 on it and so my subconscious is trying to tell me it's a waste of money if I don't at least try to finish it. Which is crazy I know.. because really I'm just pissed that I spent $8 on it. =P
Giving it two stars instead of one because... I really don't know. But I am.

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