Firefly Run edition by Trish Milburn Romance eBooks

Firefly Run edition by Trish Milburn Romance eBooks
Have you ever read a book that grabbed you from the first page and held on all the way through? Then when you were done you were sorry there wasn't more? That's the way Dangerous Kisses was for me. So naturally, believing for more of the same, I rushed to buy more of the author's work, hoping for the same result. Sadly, that's not what I got with Firefly Run. It's not necessarily that the author did anything wrong. The characters just weren't as appealing, the plot not as riveting as the previous book. Perhaps it was the setting or maybe the villain didn't prove as interesting. For whatever reason, I found myself skipping pages just to get to the end. That's not to say someone else might not enjoy it, it just didn't work for me. Even so, I gave it three stars because the writing itself was very good and while the storyline was far from complex it was obvious it was well thought out and that plenty of hard work went into it. And it won't keep me from buying more of the author's work.
Tags : Firefly Run - Kindle edition by Trish Milburn. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Trish Milburn,Firefly Run,FICTION Romance Suspense
Firefly Run edition by Trish Milburn Romance eBooks Reviews
Characters are likeable and realistic. Story flows well and is a speedy read. My husband and I each read s and share the good ones right away. He read this first and insisted I make it my next book as he liked it so well.
A fast paced story that really has you rooting for the characters. Loved that they were able to let go of the past and the guilt and find love and happiness.
Good read. I wish it would have gone a little further with the characters. Keeps your attention. Really enjoyed the characters in this book.
This book was slow reading and not that suspenseful for me.
I didnt feel connected to the male cop in the book. That is unusual
for me for I can usually relate to police/FBI characters easily.
Personally I think your time would be spent better reading another book.
I downloaded this book shortly after a vacation in Gatlinburg and the Smokies, the setting for this book, and really enjoyed the descriptions of the natural surroundings and tubing on the river. The antagonist's part of the story was a bit predictable, but the we-really-should-not-be-doing-this romance between the main characters added depth and made book worth reading. Well told story! In the end, I was hissing at the bad guy and cheering for the hero and heroine.
This was a lot of romance with a little suspense thrown in, but in this case, it worked for me. Watching (well reading really) these two wounded souls struggle with their feelings was heartbreaking but kept you rooting for them all along. The plotline of best friend and partner of the deceased falling in love with the widow seems so taboo at first, but is done in such a respectful and touching way. My only negative thought was "How did these two know each other for so long and never be the slightest bit attracted to each other before?"
Shelly Myers fled Dallas soon after Troy, her husband of a scant few minutes, was gunned down by vicious drug dealer and assassin Eddie Victor. She returned to Bobcat Ridge, her tiny Appalachian hometown as soon as her testimony put the callous killer on death row
Two years later, Shelly's father suffers a massive heart attack; with him in the hospital four hours away, and Shelly's mother watching over him, Shelly realizes she is well enough--must be well enough--to run her parents' rafting business during its summer peak. Helping her parents out suddenly isn't enough; their financial future depends squarely on her.
Exhausted by the long drive into Nashville and back, as well as worries over her father's health and medical bills, Shelly is stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Dallas cop Reed Tanner--her husband's best friend, best man--and someone who shouldn't have materialized out of the growing darkness like a ghost. Or a bad memory.
Though it pains him more than Shelly could imagine, Reed feels like a bad memory. Guilt still pummels him that he hadn't exited the church with his newlywed friends, that he might have saved Troy. Would at least have been in a position to try.
But the worst part of the memory trip is informing Shelly that cop-killing Eddie Victor's conviction was overturned. Not only is the drug lord out of prison--he swore to kill Shelly for the damning testimony that led to his conviction.
Unable to run, the past comes back to assault Shelly and Reed with a vengeance. They survived death once by inches and minutes.
Troubling emotions and feelings bewilder both--a much loved husband, a much loved friend--when is it too soon to move on? With a killer stalking them, when is it too late?
Trish Milburn has been on my to be read list for some time, but when Firefly Run came out on with a free promotion, I swooped in--and began reading it within seconds and finished it within an hour or two. Shelly and Reed are memorable and sympathetic enough that I set what might be a new record--teary eyes on page two. Their struggles to live emotionally are as gripping as the danger the sinister Victor represents to physical life.
Additionally, Milburn obviously knows the charms and occasional pains inherent in small town life. I spent most of my childhood in small southern times, and the friendliness (and curiosity) of neighbors, the beauty of spaces without concrete and buildings--she brings it all to life realistically and lovingly.
Firefly Run charmed me totally, and I look forward to reading more of Trish Milburn's work. Sooner rather than later!
Have you ever read a book that grabbed you from the first page and held on all the way through? Then when you were done you were sorry there wasn't more? That's the way Dangerous Kisses was for me. So naturally, believing for more of the same, I rushed to buy more of the author's work, hoping for the same result. Sadly, that's not what I got with Firefly Run. It's not necessarily that the author did anything wrong. The characters just weren't as appealing, the plot not as riveting as the previous book. Perhaps it was the setting or maybe the villain didn't prove as interesting. For whatever reason, I found myself skipping pages just to get to the end. That's not to say someone else might not enjoy it, it just didn't work for me. Even so, I gave it three stars because the writing itself was very good and while the storyline was far from complex it was obvious it was well thought out and that plenty of hard work went into it. And it won't keep me from buying more of the author's work.

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