The Boy Next Door eBook Melanie Marks

We grew up right next door to each other. He’d been my everything—first my best friend, then my boyfriend … then my total enemy. Unfortunately, my heart still longs for him, but sadly so does every other girls’ at our high school. I should stay away from him, definitely; but once he starts inexplicably talking to me again, he makes it hard. In fact, he makes it impossible. And impossible for me to get together with the guy I’m pretty sure I’m meant to be with. He’s doing everything he can to keep us apart. What’s up with that???
*Standalone teen romance
No swearing
No book needs to be read before or after this book
This story is a three-hour read (four at the most)
By Melanie Marks, author of His Kiss; and When You Noticed Me
This book also includes another romantic teen story by Melanie Marks. It is called “Getting Lucky (Hey, That’s His Name).” That story is a two-hour read.
Melanie Marks newest books
*The Boyfriend Contract
*Hockey Guy and Tutor Girl
*When You Noticed Me
*Jane’s Air
*Kissing The Bad Boy
They are all available in unlimited (or the regular way, each for a buck)
Notes about this book Teen Romance; No Swearing; Happily Ever After; Romantic Comedy; Standalone Romance
The Boy Next Door eBook Melanie Marks
This is a Great read! The story is about over coming conflicts, misunderstandings, misjudgments, as well as learning, growing and overcoming confusion... Great Romance but not graphic sexual scenes.Product details

Tags : The Boy Next Door eBook: Melanie Marks: Kindle Store,ebook,Melanie Marks,The Boy Next Door,Juvenile Fiction Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction Social Issues Dating & Sex
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The Boy Next Door eBook Melanie Marks Reviews
I gave the book a 4 overall because the first would have gotten a 3 and the second a 4.5. They we're both good enjoyable fast stories.
She kept repeating the same thing over and over. Didn't like it all. Too repetitive not a good story line
Sweet, shallow and simple, so perfect for a time when you don't want to think too much. Very romanticized, with not a great deal of depth, but superficially cute.
This is a Great read! The story is about over coming conflicts, misunderstandings, misjudgments, as well as learning, growing and overcoming confusion... Great Romance but not graphic sexual scenes.

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